This event is triggered when a message is edited. It provides both the new and previous versions of the message body.
Webhook Request
HTTP Method
Request Headers
Name | Value |
Content-Type | application/json |
User-Agent | WaAPI Webhook User Agent |
Request Body
"event": "message_edit",
"instanceId": "1",
"data": {
"newBody": "You are welcome",
"prevBody": "You are welome",
"message": {
"_data": {
"id": {
"fromMe": true,
"remote": "",
"id": "AAABBBCCCDDDEEEFFF111222333",
"_serialized": "true_123456789@c.us_AAABBBCCCDDDEEEFFF111222333"
"viewed": false,
"body": "You are welcome",
"type": "chat",
"t": 1738932203,
"from": "",
"to": "",
"ack": 0,
"isNewMsg": true,
"star": false,
"kicNotified": false,
"isFromTemplate": false,
"pollInvalidated": false,
"isSentCagPollCreation": false,
"latestEditMsgKey": {
"fromMe": true,
"remote": "",
"id": "AAABBBCCCDDDEEEFFF111222333",
"_serialized": "true_123456789@c.us_AAABBBCCCDDDEEEFFF111222333"
"latestEditSenderTimestampMs": 1738932214411,
"mentionedJidList": [],
"groupMentions": [],
"isEventCanceled": false,
"eventInvalidated": false,
"isVcardOverMmsDocument": false,
"isForwarded": false,
"hasReaction": false,
"disappearingModeInitiator": "chat",
"disappearingModeTrigger": "chat_settings",
"disappearingModeInitiatedByMe": false,
"viewMode": "VISIBLE",
"messageSecret": {
"0": 209,
"1": 150,
"2": 5,
"3": 36,
"4": 199,
"5": 45,
"6": 244,
"7": 71,
"8": 229,
"9": 219,
"10": 2,
"11": 6,
"12": 237,
"13": 228,
"14": 182,
"15": 153,
"16": 168,
"17": 195,
"18": 34,
"19": 116,
"20": 110,
"21": 159,
"22": 56,
"23": 130,
"24": 13,
"25": 49,
"26": 22,
"27": 28,
"28": 62,
"29": 111,
"30": 226,
"31": 189
"errorCode": "NoError",
"productHeaderImageRejected": false,
"lastPlaybackProgress": 0,
"isDynamicReplyButtonsMsg": false,
"isCarouselCard": false,
"parentMsgId": null,
"callSilenceReason": null,
"isVideoCall": false,
"isMdHistoryMsg": false,
"stickerSentTs": 0,
"isAvatar": false,
"lastUpdateFromServerTs": 0,
"invokedBotWid": null,
"botResponseTargetId": null,
"botMsgBodyType": null,
"requiresDirectConnection": null,
"bizContentPlaceholderType": null,
"hostedBizEncStateMismatch": false,
"senderOrRecipientAccountTypeHosted": false,
"placeholderCreatedWhenAccountIsHosted": false,
"links": []
"id": {
"fromMe": true,
"remote": "",
"id": "AAABBBCCCDDDEEEFFF111222333",
"_serialized": "true_123456789@c.us_AAABBBCCCDDDEEEFFF111222333"
"ack": 0,
"hasMedia": false,
"body": "You are welcome",
"type": "chat",
"timestamp": 1738932203,
"from": "",
"to": "",
"deviceType": "android",
"isForwarded": false,
"forwardingScore": 0,
"isStatus": false,
"isStarred": false,
"fromMe": true,
"hasQuotedMsg": false,
"hasReaction": false,
"vCards": [],
"mentionedIds": [],
"groupMentions": [],
"isGif": false,
"latestEditSenderTimestampMs": 1738932214411,
"latestEditMsgKey": {
"fromMe": true,
"remote": "",
"id": "AAABBBCCCDDDEEEFFF111222333",
"_serialized": "true_123456789@c.us_AAABBBCCCDDDEEEFFF111222333"
"links": []
"media": null