Someone has sent you a message via WhatsApp.
Webhook Request
HTTP Method
Request Headers
Name | Value |
Content-Type | application/json |
User-Agent | WaAPI Webhook User Agent |
Request Body
"event": "message",
"instanceId": "33",
"data": {
"message": {
"_data": {
"id": {
"fromMe": false,
"remote": "[email protected]",
"id": "V6B05T14AAIWWPEL7MJC",
"_serialized": "[email protected]_V6B05T14AAIWWPEL7MJC"
"body": "Hey. I am fine. Thanks. Your test message was successful ;)",
"type": "chat",
"t": 1669994807,
"notifyName": "John",
"from": "[email protected]",
"to": "[email protected]",
"self": "in",
"ack": 1,
"isNewMsg": true,
"star": false,
"kicNotified": false,
"recvFresh": true,
"isFromTemplate": false,
"pollInvalidated": false,
"latestEditMsgKey": null,
"latestEditSenderTimestampMs": null,
"broadcast": false,
"mentionedJidList": [],
"isVcardOverMmsDocument": false,
"isForwarded": false,
"labels": [],
"hasReaction": false,
"ephemeralOutOfSync": false,
"productHeaderImageRejected": false,
"lastPlaybackProgress": 0,
"isDynamicReplyButtonsMsg": false,
"isMdHistoryMsg": false,
"stickerSentTs": 0,
"isAvatar": false,
"requiresDirectConnection": false,
"pttForwardedFeaturesEnabled": true,
"isEphemeral": false,
"isStatusV3": false,
"links": []
"id": {
"fromMe": false,
"remote": "[email protected]",
"id": "V6B05T14AAIWWPEL7MJC",
"_serialized": "[email protected]_V6B05T14AAIWWPEL7MJC"
"ack": 1,
"hasMedia": false,
"body": "Hey. I am fine. Thanks. Your test message was successful ;)",
"type": "chat",
"timestamp": 1669994807,
"from": "[email protected]",
"to": "[email protected]",
"deviceType": "ios",
"isForwarded": false,
"forwardingScore": 0,
"isStatus": false,
"isStarred": false,
"broadcast": false,
"fromMe": false,
"hasQuotedMsg": false,
"vCards": [],
"mentionedIds": [],
"isGif": false,
"isEphemeral": false,
"links": []
"media": {
"mimetype": 'audio/ogg; codecs=opus',
"data": '<base64 representation of media file>',
"filename": '<filename from whatsapp, most of the time undefined>',
"filesize": 1629