JUMP TOWaAPIIntroductionGet Started 🚀️️SetupAPI TokenWebhooks 🪝Message EventLibraries and Packages 📦WaAPI APIinstanceslist instancesgetcreate instancepostretrieve instancegetupdate instanceputdelete instancedeleteclientclient status of instancegetretrieve QR Codegetretrieve basic client informationgetactionssend a messagepostsend a media filepostsend seenpostsend vcardpostsend locationpostget all chatspostfetch messagespostget message by idpostget message info by idpostdelete message by idpostget all contactspostget chatID from numberpostis registered userpostget profile pic urlpostget contact by idpostblock contact by idpostunblock contact by idpostget chat by idpostdelete chat by idpostcreate grouppostget group participantspostget group infopostupdate group infopostadd group participantpostremove group participantpostpromote group participantpostdemote group participantpostcreate a channelpostget channelspostget channel by idpostsubscribe to channelpostunsubscribe from channelpostarchive chatpostunarchive chatpostget all labelspostget label by idpostget chat labelspostget chats by labelIdpostlogoutpostrebootpostPowered by delete chat by idpost https://waapi.app/api/v1/instances/{id}/client/action/delete-chat-by-idDelete chat by ID