JUMP TOWaAPIIntroductionGet Started 🚀️️SetupAPI TokenWebhooks 🪝Message EventLibraries and Packages 📦WaAPI APIinstanceslist instancesgetcreate instancepostretrieve instancegetupdate instanceputdelete instancedeleteclientclient status of instancegetretrieve QR Codegetretrieve basic client informationgetlogoutpostReboot InstancepostSend presence availablepostSet WhatsApp statuspostSet display namepostRequest Pairing CodepostSend presence unavailablepostmessageSend a text message to a chatpostSend a media message (image, video, audio, document)postsend vcardpostsend locationpostfetch messagespostget message by idpostget message info by idpostdelete message by idpostsearch messagespostcreate pollpostget message reactionspostreact to messagepostget message mentionspostpin messagepostunpin messagepoststar messagepostunstar messagepostchatMark chat messages as seen (blue ticks)postget all chatspostmark chat as unreadpostmute chatpostunmute chatpostpin chatpostunpin chatpostget chat by idpostdelete chat by idpostarchive chatpostunarchive chatpostget chat labelspostget chats by labelIdpostSend typing statepostClear chat messagespostSync chat historypostStop typing indicatorpostcontactget all contactspostget formatted numberpostis registered userpostGet profile picture URLpostget contact by idpostblock contact by idpostunblock contact by idpostGet blocked contactspostGet common groups with contactpostGet contact about infopostnumberget chatID from numberpostget country codepoststoryget storiespostgroupCreate Grouppostget group participantspostget group infopostupdate group infopostupdate group settingspostadd group participantpostremove group participantpostpromote group participantpostdemote group participantpostapprove group membership requestspostdeny group membership requestspostget group membership requestspostaccept group invitepostget group invite infopostchannelcreate a channelpostget channelspostget channel by idpostsubscribe to channelpostunsubscribe from channelpostsearch channelspostlabelget all labelspostget label by idpostPowered by get message by idpost https://waapi.app/api/v1/instances/{id}/client/action/get-message-by-idget a message by id